Every oral presenter will have no more than 15 minutes for oral presentation.
There will be a 10-minute discussion for the whole presenters at the end of the parallel session.
The main working language for this conference is English.
We encourage you to save your presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show, .ppsx, or pdf format in standard slide size to avoid errors in displaying your presentation.
Template for proceeding articles can be found here
The full papers will be blind-peer reviewed and corrections may be needed before the actual publication in the proceeding
The required pages for the full paper article is 10-15 pages
The author must cite at least 25 references with the following composition: >= 80% journal references and >=80% references of the last ten years. You are not allowed to quote from wikipedia, blogspot, or lecture assignments.
Please note that we will use Turnitin as our plagiarism checker. Articles with 20% similarity will be automatically rejected.